But, lucky me. I was sitting directly behind the two rows of 4-year-olds and Kindergartners. Their initial response to the lighting was audible! Then they were on their feet with their backs to the stage. The live band members, live singers and giant images on huge video screens were NOTHING compared to the dancing lights. For three full songs, these kids were mesmerized. They were drawn into the light. To them, it was alive. It moved. It changed. It shone. In fact, one of the lead singers invited the children to join the band on stage. The kids didn't care. What was a stage to this wonderful, beautiful living light?!
Suddenly several thoughts came crashing into my head.
"Unless you are as little children..."
"Let there be LIGHT!"
"...Light of the world..."
"In him was life, and that life was the light of men.
The light shines in the darkness..."
And I smiled. The children showed me. They showed me the immense joy of simply enjoying being in the presence of the Light. The Light of the world that shines in the darkness, that the darkness does not understand. I don't have to understand the Light to bask in Its glory. To be warmed by its heat. To see what It illuminates. The other stuff that stands in the darkness is insignificant when I focus on the Light.
Of course, the darkness is still there. We live in a fallen world. But His Light Shines. Let the Light of His Love wrap around you and shield you from the darkness. Be comforted by Its warmth. Be comforted by Its presence.
SSSOOOOOOOOO happy you are writing again (I check this blog everyday)and what a great topic. As usual, you worded it so eloquently and easy to understand! Hope you are doing OK - we need to chat! I love ya!
Thanks for reminding me of the comfort, excitement and joy of our Light Source!
I ditto Kay's remark. I love it we have connected Lara. You are indeed a wounded healer! Keep writing, and know I'm praying for you on a regular basis. I can only imagine the pain you are experiencing. You're a dear, dear woman, and Christ's beauty clearly shines through you.
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