In a previous post on the other blog, I gave a list of
blessings. Most with little or no comment or explanation. Again and still I feel blessed by my son's sweet hand. It is a five, almost six year old hand. Still thick and squishy like a little boy, but becoming bigger and stronger day by day. And as much as I love the feel of his hand in mine, I think I'm realizing more and more that what I love most is his desire to have it there. He still reaches for my hand with his. When I take his hand to cross the street or walk through a busy parking lot, unlike his older sister, he doesn't automatically remove his hand from mine upon reaching our destination. We hold hands as we walk back home from taking Iris to the bus stop, and then again when we go to pick her up. He holds my hand for a moment after I pick him up from school as we head out of the parking lot telling me about his day. Today was his last day of pre-kindergarten. Next year he'll ride the bus with his sister and I won't have the luxury of those daily mama and her boy moments.
I tell him often that the feel of his hand is one of my "most favoritest things." The other day after that repeat discussion, I asked him if he'd please still hold my hand sometimes when he's a grown up man and I'm a little old lady. He looked me right in the face and smiling said he would. I believe him!
Don't you think perhaps it is a bit like the Father when we choose to come into His Presence? Yes, He's always glad to see us, but even more so when it is in moments of our desire to just be with Him as opposed to coming with a long list of requests or complaints. To put our hand in His, saying, Father, I choose to be with You right now. I choose Your Love. I choose Your Presence. Don't you think His heart might just pop with joy as a warm smile crosses His face? See, that's why I love to lift my hands in worship. I'm not sure what goes on in the minds of others, but for me, it's like the toddler running across the yard giggling with joy at the sight of her Papa and saying "Daddy, I'm here! Pick me up, so I can be closer to You!"
Yes, I sneaked into Brody's room to take this picture while he was sleeping after I wrote the content. Hall light on. Flash on the camera. Still sleeping like a log!
Beautiful. Maybe you will be as lucky as I am - it was only recently that Shannon stopped holding my hand. But she still calls me "Mommy." If she only knew the flutter that sends through my heart... ~B
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