Wednesday, October 21, 2009


On the radio tonight (on the Delilah show) a man was telling an inspiring story of a Special Olympian that he got to know when he volunteered one year. He ended with the admonition to not just COUNT your blessings, but to DO something with them. USE them to their fullest potential. Of course just hearing the "Count Your Blessings" phrase brought to mind the hymn by Oatman and Excell. "Count your blessings name them one by one...and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done." I can remember singing that song as a little girl in the church I grew up in. I think it is one of those songs with good intentions, but maybe not the greatest theology. If I really know God like He wants me to, are His blessings in my life going to be that "surprising"? The song goes on to talk about focusing on the blessings with times are difficult. I'm a glass-half-full gal. I tend to always point out the silver lining of the dark, dreary clouds. (I think that sometimes it even annoys folks.) My point being, I'm pretty good at the counting of the blessings. But I don't think that God gives me blessings just to tally up. I'm thinking He'd like me to DO something with them to bless others and give Him honor and glory. He calls us to love Him and love each other and He blesses us in all sorts of ways so that we can get creative in how we do just that. So go ahead, count your blessings, make your thankful list and then GO. Go show the love of Jesus to others with the blessings He's given you! Dive Deep into His love!